Math is FigureOutAble Blog

Developing Mathematical Reasoning Part 4

Throughout this series we have discussed each of the stages of the Development of Mathematical Reasoning. In order to identify where students are in their development and to nudge them to more...

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Why Doesn't Everyone Teach Real Mathematics?


Have you taken THE QUIZ?

We can only change what we know. 

In the quiz post, I make the case that our perceptions of what mathematics is and what it means to teach mathematics influence the way that...

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The Development of Mathematical Reasoning Part 3


Answer Getting vs. Brain Building

Since I posted the graphic and blogs about the Development of Mathematical Reasoning, I have gotten questions.

One of those questions is: But Pam, why isn’t it okay to...

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The Development of Mathematical Reasoning

Check out this exchange I recently had on Twitter. I was discussing frustrations of middle school teachers:

Have you ever felt like this Tweet, that you don’t have the time to teach your content and all of...

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