Building Powerful Numeracy Facilitator’s Guide

From the Introduction:

"This facilitator's guide is a companion to Building Powerful Numeracy for Middle & High School Students.  The intended audience is workshop presenters, teacher leaders, coaches, pre-service instructors, and anyone else who delivers numeracy professional development.  This guide represents a compilation of workshops I have given to hundreds of teachers for over 10 years on developing powerful numeracy in themselves and in their students."

"Each chapter describes activities, problem strings, and assignments for teachers and participants.  The detailed lesson plans include presenter helps, such as as discussion questions, sample dialogs, and detailed models.  The beginning of each chapter has a handy "at a glance" section that displays the major big ideas, models, strategies, materials needed, and preparation for presenters.  I personally use the detailed plans to prepare for each workshop and then use the two-page overview at a glance as my crib notes while delivering the material."

available at

A must have for facilitators of numeracy professional development!

Table of Contents

Chapter 1   Addition
Chapter 2   Subtraction
Chapter 3   Multiplication
Chapter 4   Division
Chapter 5   Fraction: Addition & Subtraction
Chapter 6   Fraction: Multiplication & Division
Chapter 7   Decimals: Addition & Subtraction
Chapter 8   Decimals: Multiplication & Division
Chapter 9   Percents

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